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mean jeans orchids: January 2006

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

mean jeans orchids

We'll be going back to the orchid park on Wednesday to see what's new. They usually are only open on the weekends, but its New years again so they're there everyday for 2 weeks. I'm sure there's plenty I didn't see. Right now there are so many pinks of Phalaenopsis, and Cattleya. In Chinese culture, red is for good luck and prosperity, white is bad luck and death. So there are not too many whites.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Orchid park January 23.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

These are a few shots from the park today. More to come.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

mean jeans orchids

Chinese New Years is around the corner. The orchid park around my house is gearing up. I've never seen the place so packed with pink phalaenopsis. They're also hosting a small local show and contest. They have some of the biggest cattleyas I've ever seen, along with the largest vanda. It must be at least 15 years old. I didn't have my camera with me so I'm going back tomorrow and will post again soon.

orchid park two weeks ago

Here are a few shots from the park a few weeks back. Every weekend we get the chance to see hundreds of beautiful orchids. Let me know what you think, thanks.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You can see that there are no roots coming out the bottom of the basket. It used to have tons, oh well. I snipped off the black rotted roots. We'll see where it goes.
Lucky to have these side roots, or it would be toast

Big bad Vanda

It should be hard to over-water a Vanda, but I've done it. Actually I thought it wasn't getting enough, so I used a little moss in the basket and that's how you give a Vanda too much water.

Friday, January 13, 2006

This is a Phalaenopsis that I picked up last year for about 25 cents. It spiked from the center, between the leaves. It grew another plant to the side. You should be able to zoom in and look closer. Its double spiking, so I'm excited to see what happens

Friday, January 06, 2006

These are shots of some of my Phalaenopsis. They are all about 9 months out of the flask. The first picture is in spike. It probably has at least another month before flowers appear. There is a picture of the shadehouse looking down from my roof.

Here is a shot shade house. This is in my backyard. Its about 15x10.
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